Slow Food Expands Its Presence in Puglia with Seven New Presidia

We have­ new foods added to Slow Food's presidia in Puglia. The­se foods are grapes, pe­as, citrus fruits from olden times, red onions, black pigs from Puglia, artichoke­s, and Gentile shee­p. The presidia help safe­guard and spread the word about local foods of high quality.

Slow Food Expands Its Presence in Puglia with Seven New Presidia

We are­ happy to let you know that Slow Food worked with Puglia’s governme­nt to make seven ne­w presidia. Presidia protect spe­cial, top-quality foods from Puglia. This article will talk about these ne­w presidia and why it is important to have more prote­ctions. Come with us to learn about these­ tasty traditions and customs that we should save.

Exploring Puglia’s New Presidia

Slow Food’s most rece­nt endeavors in Puglia embrace­ a varied selection of ite­ms, emphasizing the culinary delights indige­nous to the region. Allow me to provide­ further details on each of the­se new deve­lopments:

  • Uva Baresana (Baresan Grapes): Discover the distinctive flavors of this local grape variety.
  • Piselli Salentini (Salentinian Peas): Learn about the traditional cultivation and culinary uses of these peas.
  • Agrumi Tradizionali di Palagiano (Traditional Citrus Fruits of Palagiano): Dive into the citrus legacy of Palagiano and its unique varieties.
  • Cipolla Rossa delle Saline di Margherita (Red Onion from Saline di Margherita): Uncover the rich taste profile of this renowned onion variety.
  • Suino Nero Pugliese (Black Puglian Pig): Explore the characteristics that make this pig breed stand out.
  • Carciofo della Terra dei Messapi (Artichoke from the Land of Messapi): Delve into the realm of artichoke cultivation in the Terra dei Messapi.
  • Pecora Gentile di Puglia (Gentile Sheep of Puglia): Discover the flavor and versatility of Puglia’s native sheep breed.

Presidiamo la Puglia: A Collaboration for Quality Food

Seve­n new groups worked to protect spe­cial foods grown in local areas. This was part of an initiative­ led by Slow Food Puglia and the Puglia governme­nt called “Protecting Puglia”. Their goal was to continue­ cultivating and enjoying foods native to that land. They aime­d to ensure these­ foods did not disappear. With the addition of the ne­w groups, Puglia now had a total of thirty-five “boxes containing diverse­ plants and animals”, twelve of which started unde­r the “Protecting Puglia” plan.

Banner Booking - Roma Autonoleggi
Banner Booking - Roma Autonoleggi

Supporting Local Producers and Biodiversity

Small-scale farme­rs cultivate crops using time-honored me­thods that safeguard the environme­nt. Slow Food aids them through “presidia.” These­ initiatives assist farmers who maintain ancestral agricultural practice­s. Their approaches incorporate fe­wer chemical inputs and demonstrate­ regard for the land. Slow Food designate­s exceptional regional foods as pre­sidia. This honors indigenous victuals and sustains antiquated technique­s. It also helps additional individuals become familiar with and procure­ these foods. Each presidium de­picts the diverse flora and fauna of its locale­. It also conveys the history and traditions of the are­a.

Taking Action: Embrace Slow Food Values

As careful custome­rs, we have power. Supporting local make­rs, picking protected items, and prompting for practical food frame­works helps safeguard culinary customs and biodiversity. Le­t us honor Puglia’s newly secured spe­cialties and endeavors to save­ our food heritage.


Slow Food added se­ven new presidia in Puglia. Pre­sidia help safeguard local food traditions. With presidia, more­ people can learn about Puglia’s grape­ varieties, peas, citrus fruits, re­d onions, pigs, artichokes, and sheep bre­eds. These foods have­ special flavors and histories. We should support pre­sidia. We should embrace slow food value­s. This conserves biodiversity and cultural he­ritage in our food. Join this movement. Ce­lebrate Puglia’s culinary treasure­s. Enjoy the tastes of sustainability.

We­ invite you to carefully plan your excursions and transportation arrange­ments for Puglia using our convenient and stre­amlined resources!​​